Some of the websites, projects and companies Dan Dart has been involved with are:
Make an enquiry for a website or project.
B2B money management platform
Currency card and conversion
Fast checkout app and website plugin
Set-and-forget accurate time tracking
Digital marketing agency
Web Agency
Promotional website
Health insurance comparison
Technology publication
Technology website
Dating app for singles and couples
Hospitality software
Analytics dashboard for Shopify
Facilities management
DADI web services suite
Collection of UK radio magazine websites
Due diligence and search intelligence
Mobile operator messaging system
RESTful API for Open source ad server
Inventors' search platform
Social media amplification
Advertising revenue optimisation
Smart web analytics
Web shop for phones and accessories
Web shop for gaming devices and accessories
Web shop for cases and accessories
Portfolio and personal website of local mosaic artist
Local festival site
Somerset School of Oriental Healing Arts
Some of the free software projects Dan Dart has created or contributed to are:
Website of JolHargNot yet licenced
No description yet givenNot yet licenced
No description yet givenAGPL-3.0
FaaS and serverless function stuff for HaskellAGPL-3.0
JolHarg GitHub descriptionNot yet licenced
Generates and jolharg.comNot yet licenced
Website for madhackerreviews.comNot yet licenced
Personal websiteNot yet licenced
blog.m0ori.comNot yet licenced
My qemu VMsNot yet licenced
Random projects in random languagesNot yet licenced
Family tree stuffMIT
My /Not yet licenced
Code projects I'm working on at the momentNot yet licenced
Granular IO to avoid MonadIO and allow easier testingNot yet licenced
Communicate all of the things!AGPL-3.0
Easy-to-use, type-safe, expandable, high-level HTTP client libraryNot yet licenced
Nix Packages collectionMIT
Discord bot for image categorisation, lookups, etc.Not yet licenced
Haskell Tools in NixNot yet licenced
Haskell parser for the GEDCOM file formatBSD-3-Clause
Inspired by Matt Parker/standupmathsMIT
Text editor in HTML5 with syntax highlighting, tree view, snippets and git.Not yet licenced
OEIS for Node.jsNot yet licenced
Portable CommunicatorAGPL-3.0
Browser extension for adding Snopes to social sharing websitesNot yet licenced
A radio controller that runs in many different contextsNot yet licenced
Source for "No It Isn't Bot" and othersUnlicense
Page grouping toolNot yet licenced
Backend as a service, API for SPAs, etc.Not yet licenced
Omegle CLI client for NodeNot yet licenced
Finite State Machine. Touch his noodly appendage.Unlicense
circles and lines and shiz you knowNot yet licenced
Long awaited sequel of the original VinskiAGPL-3.0
Free SpeechNot yet licenced
Audio patch deck in JSNot yet licenced
A video sorting tool for YouTubeAGPL-3.0
angular2 learningUnlicense
discordant gaming bot in nodeAGPL-3.0
Dan's Reverse Polish LanguageNot yet licenced
react learningUnlicense
Digits library for HaskellBSD-3-Clause
Haskell wrapper for the Tumblr APINot yet licenced
Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible wayMIT
A fast Haskell JSON libraryNot yet licenced
Some Linux, some gnu, some other stuff, you know how it is...Not yet licenced
Your project’s nix-env [maintainer=@Profpatsch,@nyarly]Apache-2.0
Free and Open Source Video Sharing PlatformAGPL-3.0
The next generation of BibudNot yet licenced
Bibud Social Web DesktopNot yet licenced
Something I made once. Kind of what Project Chaplin turned intoNot yet licenced
Bibud in ZendNot yet licenced
Silent Echoes Website (2006-11-25 to 2007-04-06)Not yet licenced
Mongo DB interface for the Zend framework Not yet licenced
Widget console Not yet licenced
A PHP proxy used for dependency injection and testing Amqp applications.Not yet licenced
Never do this.Unlicense
Dan Forms, an OOP way to render forms and other HTML elements.MIT
PHP ORM for SQL and MongoDB from Project ChaplinNot yet licenced
Async methods for PHPNot yet licenced
OOP socket support for PHPNot yet licenced
WinSpy - find product keys etc (2006-11-01)Not yet licenced
Silent Echoes Launcher - VB version (2006-11-01 to 2006-11-07)Not yet licenced
Red Fire Light Launcher in Visual Basic 6 (2005-01-26 to 2005-01-31)Not yet licenced
Silent Echoes Launcher (2007-04-15)Not yet licenced
Checks various distributions' repositories for a few packages updatesNot yet licenced
Pinterest scraperNot yet licenced
Some shell scripts to download deviations from DeviantArt, ripped from my gistsNot yet licenced
Script to run when I install a new OSNot yet licenced
Creates animated glitchy versions of imagesNot yet licenced
Autopache: Automatically setup Apache vhostsNot yet licenced
Just a CSV of the official webtex - code to come (2006-09-11)Not yet licenced
I'm going to attempt to make a little script runner in phonegapNot yet licenced
Attempting to create a web component for bootstrap modalsNot yet licenced
Webcam musicNot yet licenced
ARM emulator in JSNot yet licenced
Javascript 8086 real mode interpreterNot yet licenced
Jamendo API based music streamer for the webNot yet licenced
Set of gravity simulators for the webNot yet licenced
Set of 3D simulations, aspiring to become an FPSNot yet licenced
Sounds generated by equations.Not yet licenced
birds' eye view (game type thing)Not yet licenced
Dumb wordoid generator in NodeNot yet licenced
Sane operating system distributionNot yet licenced
honeypotNot yet licenced
My useful docker containersNot yet licenced
Plays cricket with input stream.Not yet licenced
Standards for software applicationsNot yet licenced
Vinski - 2D 2-player platform game with mostly easter eggs (2005-12-10 and 2006-10-10)Not yet licenced
DanOS: A little learning operating system for x86 BIOSNot yet licenced
The Art of the Propagator. See also:Not yet licenced